Keith Bangasser
Pre-Sales Architect
Keith Bangasser is a Pre-Sales Architect at Levridge, a sister company of Stoneridge Software. Keith has decades of experience in both agribusiness and ag-related computer software. After starting work for Farm Credit System as a Finance Manager, Keith later founded AgriSystems North Inc., which sold, implemented, and supported PC based agricultural software. AgriSystems North later merged with RDI Technologies, where Keith was apart of a team that created the first-ever windows based Ag Accounting software. He later co-founded IRD Technologies, which was acquired by E-Markets. In his nearly two decades at E-Markets, Keith worked with teams to created world-class business accounting software for some of the most important players in agriculture.
Posts by Keith Bangasser
- Best Practices in Managing Load Orders for Grain Processors
July 2, 2020 - Managing Grower Offers and Inbound Commodities with Levridge
June 1, 2020 - How to Manage and Close Out Grower Settlements in Minutes
April 13, 2020
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