Connect Your Team with the Data They Need

The Construction industry isn’t a one-size-fits-all. But, Stoneridge Software has experience working with both large commercial construction companies and small to medium specialty contractors. There are commonalities and nuances of working with both. Whether it is the more complicated commercial projects with multiple job sites and longer project durations or specialty contractors like HVAC or electricians that are sub-contractors or have field service requirements, we have the right team and a Microsoft Dynamics solution that will fit your needs. Our proven process handled by a team of experts will help you get your new business application live, train your team and ultimately help you achieve efficiencies in billing, time management, project visibility and reporting. And after we get you off and running? We’re still there. Just like you are for your customers. We’ll help you continue to get the most from your system and keep you connected to the right resources.

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Rebuilding enterprise systems for construction conglomerate leads to flexibility and full-spectrum visibility

Rebuilding Enterprise Systems for Construction Conglomerate Leads to Flexibility and Full-Spectrum Visibility

There is an art to taking an extremely complex enterprise project and making it look simple. That’s exactly what Stoneridge was able to accomplish with multi-conglomerate parent company APi Group. With more than forty industrial, fire protection, and specialty construction companies under the corporate umbrella, this project required identifying and removing unnecessary processes and developing customized solutions for myriad essential business processes.

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Oversee Your Entire Enterprise

Whether you are one company with many projects or multiple companies that operate under one umbrella, Dynamics software has sophisticated business management applications for end-to-end enterprise management. Its powerful management tools have been designed to help manage complex projects, and Stoneridge Software has the knowledge and experience to configure it for your specific enterprise needs.

Gain Financial Control

Know how your complex business is performing with anytime access to key metrics and business processes.

Resolve Complex Challenges

Get the right business intelligence to manage multiple projects and gain the visibility you need across the board to anticipate challenges and make timely decisions.


The more quickly you are able to access information, from bidding, assigning resources, handling change-orders and delivering on time, the better able you are able to serve your customers and grow your own business.

Manage People and Resources

Improve your allocation of resources. Get the right people with the right skills assigned to the appropriate projects and be better able to efficiently and accurately track jobs.

Minimize Risk

Forecast accurately to avoid cost overruns and schedule delays.

Regulate Compliance

Create custom workflows and document processes that are necessary for complying with best practices and industry regulations.