Debug::Assert() Method Causes Stack Trace Error in Dynamics AX When in Debugging Mode

By Eric Meissner | December 9, 2014

I recently encountered a  scenario of users getting a stack trace error when trying to generate an invoice while in debugging mode in Dynamics AX. When working through bugs on the test server, calling the Debug::assert()  caused the stack trace error to appear.

Problem:  User getting stack trace error when trying to generate an Invoice.

 Infolog in Dynamics AX

Cause:  Since we were working through a lot of bugs, the testers were finding we had to have debugging enabled on the test server. When the process hits this:  Debug::assert() code, the AX debugger was invoked automatically, displaying the stack trace error.  The user would never get this error in production because the debugging would be disabled.

Reproducing Error:  I had issues trying to reproduce this error in our development environment.  When the error occurred it never hit a break point in the debugger so I couldn’t find the line of code that was generating the error.  After some research I found out that I had to check the ‘Execute business operations in CIL’ (Tools – Options – Development form).  After checking I was able to do more debugging in AX and Visual Studio to find where the error was being generated, when trying to call Debug::assert(). 

 Options in AX 2012


How to Resolve Debug::assert() error:  To eliminate this error during our testing the change was simple.  First make sure that ‘Execute business operations in CIL’ is checked.  NOTE:  after checking/unchecking this you have to generate a CIL before you will see the changes in VS.  Then you need to find the Debug::assert() that is causing the error.  When you find comment out the line but make sure to put a TODO statement to make sure to uncomment the code before the move to production.  For example, //TODO uncomment Debug::assert when debugging is turned off.  This TODO will come up when you do a compile within AX.  The downside to this is that I did have to make a change to a SYS layer class/method.  However, once you remove the commented line and TODO you can do a Compare and delete the VAR layer since there are no longer any code changes.

 Classes Vend Doclument Line Type

This issue took a bit for me to work through.  Hopefully these steps can save someone time in the future.  Happy debugging.


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