How to Recover a Deleted SmartList from SmartList Builder in Dynamics GP

By Rob Wagner | April 30, 2020

Uh oh. You've deleted a SmartList in Dynamics GP. Don't worry, here are some instructions and code to will help you out. I've listed the following steps to recover from a deleted SmarLlist from SmartList Builder which was built on top of a core SmartList.

Step 1) Grab and restore last night’s backup into a new database (This is the only way to recover)

Step 2) Identify the ASI_Favorite_Type associated with the core SmartList

In this case the ASI_Favorite_Type is 203 which corresponds to Account Transactions

Step 3) Add back all the records where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203 (Here are some heavy lifting scripts)

The design for the script is to select the text of the insert statement followed by a conversion (to text) of the column contents records in the from database that need to be inserted into the database from which they are deleted. I’m using the RWGO as the end of record marker. Paste the script into your management studio then regex replaces RWGO with \nGO (a new line followed by the go command).

This select statement generates an insert statement for the records in the ASIEXP60 table.

'INSERT INTO [dbo].[ASIEXP60] ([ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID],[ASI_Favorite_Type],[ASI_Goto_Sequence],[ASI_Goto_Prompt],[ASI_GoTo_Value],[ASI_GoTo_Default]) VALUES ('
,str(ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID) + ','
,str(ASI_Favorite_Type)  + ','
,str(ASI_Goto_Sequence) + ','
,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(ASI_Goto_Prompt),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
,str(ASI_Goto_Value) + ','
,str(ASI_Goto_Default) + ')'
from [ASIEXP60] 
where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203

This select statement generates an insert statement for the records in the ASIEXP81 table

'INSERT INTO [dbo].[ASIEXP86]([ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID],[ASI_Favorite_Type],[ASI_Favorite_Save_Level],[CMPANYID],[USRCLASS],[USERID],[ASI_Favorite_Name],[ASI_Field_Sequence],[ASI_Include_Column],[ASI_Display_Column],[ASI_Field_Number_Dict_ID],[ASI_Field_Number],[ASI_Column_Display_Name],[ASI_Display_Column_Width]) VALUES ('
		   ,str(ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Favorite_Type) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Favorite_Save_Level) + ','
           ,str(CMPANYID) + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(USRCLASS) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(USERID) + '''' + ','
		   ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(ASI_Favorite_Name),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Sequence) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Include_Column) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Display_Column) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Number_Dict_ID) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Number) + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Column_Display_Name) + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_Display_Column_Width) + ')'
from ASIEXP86 where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203

This select statement generates an insert statement for the records in the ASITAB20 table

'INSERT INTO [dbo].[ASITAB20]([ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID],[ASI_Favorite_Type],[ASI_Field_Sequence],[ASI_Field_Number],[ASI_Field_Number_Dict_ID],[ASI_Field_Name],[ASI_Field_Display_Name],[ASI_Field_Physical_Name],[ASI_Field_Use_UsrDef_Prm],[ASI_Field_DDL_Type],[ASI_Field_Datatype],[ASI_Field_Format_String],[ASI_Field_In_Lookup_Tabl],[ASI_Include_Column],[ASI_Display_Column],[ASI_Field_Description],[ASI_Field_Custom_Query],[ASI_Table_Technical_Name]) VALUES ('
,str(ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Favorite_Type) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Sequence) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Number) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Number_Dict_ID) + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(ASI_Field_Name),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(ASI_Field_Display_Name),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(ASI_Field_Physical_Name),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Use_UsrDef_Prm) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_DDL_Type) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Datatype) + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(ASI_Field_Format_String),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_In_Lookup_Tabl) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Include_Column) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Display_Column) + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(ASI_Field_Description),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(ASI_Field_Custom_Query),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(ASI_Table_Technical_Name),'''','''''''') + ''''
from ASITAB20
where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203

This select statement generates an insert statement for the records in the ASIEXP81 table

select 'INSERT INTO [dbo].[ASIEXP81]([ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID],[ASI_Favorite_Type],[ASI_Favorite_Save_Level],[CMPANYID],[USRCLASS],[USERID],[ASI_Favorite_Name],[ASI_Field_Dict_ID_1],[ASI_Field_Dict_ID_2]'
           ,',[ASI_End_Comp_Field_Dict_3],[ASI_End_Comp_Field_Dict_4]) VALUES ('
		   ,str(ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Favorite_Type) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Favorite_Save_Level) + ','
           ,str(CMPANYID) + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(USRCLASS) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(USERID) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Favorite_Name) + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Dict_ID_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Dict_ID_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Dict_ID_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Dict_ID_4) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_List_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_List_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_List_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_List_4) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Search_Type_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Search_Type_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Search_Type_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Search_Type_4) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Match_Case_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Match_Case_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Match_Case_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Match_Case_4) + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_1_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_1_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_1_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_1_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_1_5) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_1_6) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_1_7) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_1_8) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_2_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_2_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_2_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_2_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_2_5) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_2_6) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_2_7) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_2_8) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_3_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_3_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_3_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_3_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_3_5) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_3_6) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_3_7) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_3_8) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_4_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_4_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_4_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_4_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_4_5) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_4_6) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_4_7) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Account_Number_4_8) + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Date_Token_DDL_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Date_Token_DDL_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Date_Token_DDL_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Date_Token_DDL_4) + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Date_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Date_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Date_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Start_Date_4) + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_DDL_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_DDL_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_DDL_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_DDL_4) + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_String_Start_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_String_Start_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_String_Start_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_String_Start_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_1_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_1_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_1_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_1_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_1_5) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_1_6) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_1_7) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_1_8) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_2_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_2_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_2_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_2_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_2_5) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_2_6) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_2_7) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_2_8) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_3_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_3_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_3_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_3_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_3_5) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_3_6) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_3_7) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_3_8) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_4_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_4_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_4_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_4_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_4_5) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_4_6) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_4_7) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Account_Number_4_8) + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Date_Token_DDL_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Date_Token_DDL_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Date_Token_DDL_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Date_Token_DDL_4) + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Date_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Date_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Date_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_End_Date_4) + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_DDL_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_DDL_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_DDL_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_DDL_4) + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_String_End_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_String_End_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_String_End_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_String_End_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Search_From_Str_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Search_From_Str_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Search_From_Str_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Search_From_Str_4) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Search_To_Str_1) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Search_To_Str_2) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Search_To_Str_3) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + RTRIM(ASI_Search_To_Str_4) + '''' + ','
           ,str(ASI_Search_Logic_Type) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Max_Records) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Sort_Dict_ID) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Sort_Field) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Sort_Type) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Comparison_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Comparison_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Comparison_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Field_Comparison_4) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Comp_Field_ID_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Comp_Field_ID_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Comp_Field_ID_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Comp_Field_ID_4) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Comp_Field_Dic_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Comp_Field_Dic_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Comp_Field_Dic_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_Start_Comp_Field_Dic_4) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Comp_Field_ID_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Comp_Field_ID_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Comp_Field_ID_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Comp_Field_ID_4) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Comp_Field_Dict_1) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Comp_Field_Dict_2) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Comp_Field_Dict_3) + ','
           ,str(ASI_End_Comp_Field_Dict_4) + ')'
		   from ASIEXP81
		   where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203

Step 4) Add back the main SLB record where SmartList_Name = ‘Account Transactions’

'INSERT INTO [dbo].[SLB10000]([SmartList_ID],[SmartList_Name],[SmartList_Item_Name],[SmartList_Number],[GoTo_Number],[Summary_SmartList_CB],[PRODID],[Series_Number],[NOTEINDX],/*[CREATDDT],*/[CRUSRID],/*[MODIFDT],*/[MDFUSRID],[TXTFIELD]) VALUES ('
		   ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(SmartList_ID),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(SmartList_Name),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(SmartList_Item_Name),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,str(SmartList_Number) + ','
           ,str(GoTo_Number) + ','
           ,str(Summary_SmartList_CB) + ','
           ,str(PRODID) + ','
           ,str(Series_Number) + ','
           ,CAST(NOTEINDX as VARCHAR(100)) + ','
          -- ,'''' + str(CREATDDT) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(CRUSRID),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
          -- ,'''' + str(MODIFDT) + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + REPLACE(RTRIM(MDFUSRID),'''','''''''') + '''' + ','
           ,'''' + CAST(TXTFIELD as VARCHAR(1000)) + '''' + ','
SLB10000 where SmartList_Name = 'Account Transactions'

Open the SmartList to see all the stuff that was there before but was deleted when pressing the delete button on the SmartList builder window.

Here is some other information about how we have derived which tables are affected. This will give you a list of tables that might contain SmartList related data.

select 'if (select count(*) from '+ name +') > 0','select ' + '''' + name +'''' + ',' + '/*' + name + '*/' + ' * from ',name as [nam]
,'where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203'
,'order by DEX_ROW_ID desc',* from sys.objects where [type] = 'U' 
and name not in
and name < 'SY'
and name not like 'CONSTANTS%'
order by name

The results of the script generated above but commented and edited which of the tables I know may be affected.

--if (select count(*) from AAG00100) > 0	select 'AAG00100',/*AAG00100*/ * from 	AAG00100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from AAG00101) > 0	select 'AAG00101',/*AAG00101*/ * from 	AAG00101	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from AAG00102) > 0	select 'AAG00102',/*AAG00102*/ * from 	AAG00102	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from AAG00103) > 0	select 'AAG00103',/*AAG00103*/ * from 	AAG00103	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from AAG00104) > 0	select 'AAG00104',/*AAG00104*/ * from 	AAG00104	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from AAG00105) > 0	select 'AAG00105',/*AAG00105*/ * from 	AAG00105	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ACRSTBL) > 0	select 'ACRSTBL',/*ACRSTBL*/ * from 	ACRSTBL	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ACTIVITY) > 0	select 'ACTIVITY',/*ACTIVITY*/ * from 	ACTIVITY	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ADH00100) > 0	select 'ADH00100',/*ADH00100*/ * from 	ADH00100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ADH00101) > 0	select 'ADH00101',/*ADH00101*/ * from 	ADH00101	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ADH00102) > 0	select 'ADH00102',/*ADH00102*/ * from 	ADH00102	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ADH00103) > 0	select 'ADH00103',/*ADH00103*/ * from 	ADH00103	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ADH00104) > 0	select 'ADH00104',/*ADH00104*/ * from 	ADH00104	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ADH00105) > 0	select 'ADH00105',/*ADH00105*/ * from 	ADH00105	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ADSK0600) > 0	select 'ADSK0600',/*ADSK0600*/ * from 	ADSK0600	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ALERT3RD) > 0	select 'ALERT3RD',/*ALERT3RD*/ * from 	ALERT3RD	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASI00998) > 0	select 'ASI00998',/*ASI00998*/ * from 	ASI00998	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASI80100) > 0	select 'ASI80100',/*ASI80100*/ * from 	ASI80100	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASI80200) > 0	select 'ASI80200',/*ASI80200*/ * from 	ASI80200	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP100) > 0	select 'ASIEXP100',/*ASIEXP100*/ * from 	ASIEXP100	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP50) > 0	select 'ASIEXP50',/*ASIEXP50*/ * from 	ASIEXP50		order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP51) > 0	select 'ASIEXP51',/*ASIEXP51*/ * from 	ASIEXP51		order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP60) > 0	select 'ASIEXP60',/*ASIEXP60*/ * from 	ASIEXP60	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP81) > 0	select 'ASIEXP81',/*ASIEXP81*/ * from 	ASIEXP81	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP83) > 0	select 'ASIEXP83',/*ASIEXP83*/ * from 	ASIEXP83	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP85) > 0	select 'ASIEXP85',/*ASIEXP85*/ * from 	ASIEXP85	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP86) > 0	select 'ASIEXP86',/*ASIEXP86*/ * from 	ASIEXP86	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP95) > 0	select 'ASIEXP95',/*ASIEXP95*/ * from 	ASIEXP95	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP98) > 0	select 'ASIEXP98',/*ASIEXP98*/ * from 	ASIEXP98	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASIEXP99) > 0	select 'ASIEXP99',/*ASIEXP99*/ * from 	ASIEXP99	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASITAB20) > 0	select 'ASITAB20',/*ASITAB20*/ * from 	ASITAB20	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ASITAB30) > 0	select 'ASITAB30',/*ASITAB30*/ * from 	ASITAB30	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from CN01400) > 0	select 'CN01400',/*CN01400*/ * from 	CN01400	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from CN40103) > 0	select 'CN40103',/*CN40103*/ * from 	CN40103	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from CN60100) > 0	select 'CN60100',/*CN60100*/ * from 	CN60100	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DB_Upgrade) > 0	select 'DB_Upgrade',/*DB_Upgrade*/ * from 	DB_Upgrade	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DDB10000) > 0	select 'DDB10000',/*DDB10000*/ * from 	DDB10000	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DDB10100) > 0	select 'DDB10100',/*DDB10100*/ * from 	DDB10100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DDB10200) > 0	select 'DDB10200',/*DDB10200*/ * from 	DDB10200	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DDB10300) > 0	select 'DDB10300',/*DDB10300*/ * from 	DDB10300	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DEFLTCOA) > 0	select 'DEFLTCOA',/*DEFLTCOA*/ * from 	DEFLTCOA	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DO40100) > 0	select 'DO40100',/*DO40100*/ * from 	DO40100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DT00100) > 0	select 'DT00100',/*DT00100*/ * from 	DT00100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DU000010) > 0	select 'DU000010',/*DU000010*/ * from 	DU000010	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DU000020) > 0	select 'DU000020',/*DU000020*/ * from 	DU000020	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from DU000030) > 0	select 'DU000030',/*DU000030*/ * from 	DU000030	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from duLCK) > 0	select 'duLCK',/*duLCK*/ * from 	duLCK	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from E1REG) > 0	select 'E1REG',/*E1REG*/ * from 	E1REG	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EBSKEYS) > 0	select 'EBSKEYS',/*EBSKEYS*/ * from 	EBSKEYS	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ECM00201) > 0	select 'ECM00201',/*ECM00201*/ * from 	ECM00201	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ECM10001) > 0	select 'ECM10001',/*ECM10001*/ * from 	ECM10001	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ECM10005) > 0	select 'ECM10005',/*ECM10005*/ * from 	ECM10005	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ECM10110) > 0	select 'ECM10110',/*ECM10110*/ * from 	ECM10110	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from ECM40001) > 0	select 'ECM40001',/*ECM40001*/ * from 	ECM40001	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from eConnect_Out) > 0	select 'eConnect_Out',/*eConnect_Out*/ * from 	eConnect_Out	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EDCVAT01) > 0	select 'EDCVAT01',/*EDCVAT01*/ * from 	EDCVAT01	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EDCVAT10) > 0	select 'EDCVAT10',/*EDCVAT10*/ * from 	EDCVAT10	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EDCVAT19) > 0	select 'EDCVAT19',/*EDCVAT19*/ * from 	EDCVAT19	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB10000) > 0	select 'ERB10000',/*ERB10000*/ * from 	ERB10000		order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB10100) > 0	select 'ERB10100',/*ERB10100*/ * from 	ERB10100	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB10200) > 0	select 'ERB10200',/*ERB10200*/ * from 	ERB10200	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB10300) > 0	select 'ERB10300',/*ERB10300*/ * from 	ERB10300	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB10700) > 0	select 'ERB10700',/*ERB10700*/ * from 	ERB10700	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB11000) > 0	select 'ERB11000',/*ERB11000*/ * from 	ERB11000	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB11100) > 0	select 'ERB11100',/*ERB11100*/ * from 	ERB11100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB11200) > 0	select 'ERB11200',/*ERB11200*/ * from 	ERB11200	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB11300) > 0	select 'ERB11300',/*ERB11300*/ * from 	ERB11300	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB11500) > 0	select 'ERB11500',/*ERB11500*/ * from 	ERB11500	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB11600) > 0	select 'ERB11600',/*ERB11600*/ * from 	ERB11600	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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--if (select count(*) from ERB12000) > 0	select 'ERB12000',/*ERB12000*/ * from 	ERB12000	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB12100) > 0	select 'ERB12100',/*ERB12100*/ * from 	ERB12100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB13000) > 0	select 'ERB13000',/*ERB13000*/ * from 	ERB13000	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB20000) > 0	select 'ERB20000',/*ERB20000*/ * from 	ERB20000	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB20100) > 0	select 'ERB20100',/*ERB20100*/ * from 	ERB20100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB50100) > 0	select 'ERB50100',/*ERB50100*/ * from 	ERB50100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB90100) > 0	select 'ERB90100',/*ERB90100*/ * from 	ERB90100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB90200) > 0	select 'ERB90200',/*ERB90200*/ * from 	ERB90200	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB90300) > 0	select 'ERB90300',/*ERB90300*/ * from 	ERB90300	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB90400) > 0	select 'ERB90400',/*ERB90400*/ * from 	ERB90400	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB90450) > 0	select 'ERB90450',/*ERB90450*/ * from 	ERB90450	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from ERB90500) > 0	select 'ERB90500',/*ERB90500*/ * from 	ERB90500	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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--if (select count(*) from EXT80100) > 0	select 'EXT80100',/*EXT80100*/ * from 	EXT80100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT80200) > 0	select 'EXT80200',/*EXT80200*/ * from 	EXT80200	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT80300) > 0	select 'EXT80300',/*EXT80300*/ * from 	EXT80300	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT80400) > 0	select 'EXT80400',/*EXT80400*/ * from 	EXT80400	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT80500) > 0	select 'EXT80500',/*EXT80500*/ * from 	EXT80500	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT90101) > 0	select 'EXT90101',/*EXT90101*/ * from 	EXT90101	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT90102) > 0	select 'EXT90102',/*EXT90102*/ * from 	EXT90102	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT90103) > 0	select 'EXT90103',/*EXT90103*/ * from 	EXT90103	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT90104) > 0	select 'EXT90104',/*EXT90104*/ * from 	EXT90104	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT90105) > 0	select 'EXT90105',/*EXT90105*/ * from 	EXT90105	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from EXT90106) > 0	select 'EXT90106',/*EXT90106*/ * from 	EXT90106	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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if (select count(*) from GOTO100) > 0	select 'GOTO100',/*GOTO100*/ * from 	GOTO100	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from GOTO200) > 0	select 'GOTO200',/*GOTO200*/ * from 	GOTO200	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from gpCustomerPOSetup) > 0	select 'gpCustomerPOSetup',/*gpCustomerPOSetup*/ * from 	gpCustomerPOSetup	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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--if (select count(*) from MC40300) > 0	select 'MC40300',/*MC40300*/ * from 	MC40300	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from MC40400) > 0	select 'MC40400',/*MC40400*/ * from 	MC40400	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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--if (select count(*) from MC60200) > 0	select 'MC60200',/*MC60200*/ * from 	MC60200	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from MESSAGES) > 0	select 'MESSAGES',/*MESSAGES*/ * from 	MESSAGES	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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--if (select count(*) from NLB10100) > 0	select 'NLB10100',/*NLB10100*/ * from 	NLB10100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from NLB10200) > 0	select 'NLB10200',/*NLB10200*/ * from 	NLB10200	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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--if (select count(*) from NLB10300) > 0	select 'NLB10300',/*NLB10300*/ * from 	NLB10300	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from NLB10400) > 0	select 'NLB10400',/*NLB10400*/ * from 	NLB10400	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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--if (select count(*) from NLB11200) > 0	select 'NLB11200',/*NLB11200*/ * from 	NLB11200	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from NLB11300) > 0	select 'NLB11300',/*NLB11300*/ * from 	NLB11300	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from NLB11500) > 0	select 'NLB11500',/*NLB11500*/ * from 	NLB11500	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from NLB11900) > 0	select 'NLB11900',/*NLB11900*/ * from 	NLB11900	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from NLB12000) > 0	select 'NLB12000',/*NLB12000*/ * from 	NLB12000	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from NLB12100) > 0	select 'NLB12100',/*NLB12100*/ * from 	NLB12100	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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if (select count(*) from SLB10000) > 0	select 'SLB10000',/*SLB10000*/ * from 	SLB10000	order by SmartList_ID 
if (select count(*) from SLB10000) > 0	select 'SLB10000',/*SLB10000*/ * from 	SLB10000	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12')	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB10100) > 0	select 'SLB10100',/*SLB10100*/ * from 	SLB10100	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB10200) > 0	select 'SLB10200',/*SLB10200*/ * from 	SLB10200	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB10300) > 0	select 'SLB10300',/*SLB10300*/ * from 	SLB10300	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB10400) > 0	select 'SLB10400',/*SLB10400*/ * from 	SLB10400	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB10500) > 0	select 'SLB10500',/*SLB10500*/ * from 	SLB10500	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB10600) > 0	select 'SLB10600',/*SLB10600*/ * from 	SLB10600	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB10700) > 0	select 'SLB10700',/*SLB10700*/ * from 	SLB10700	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB10800) > 0	select 'SLB10800',/*SLB10800*/ * from 	SLB10800	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB10900) > 0	select 'SLB10900',/*SLB10900*/ * from 	SLB10900	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11000) > 0	select 'SLB11000',/*SLB11000*/ * from 	SLB11000	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11100) > 0	select 'SLB11100',/*SLB11100*/ * from 	SLB11100	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11200) > 0	select 'SLB11200',/*SLB11200*/ * from 	SLB11200	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11300) > 0	select 'SLB11300',/*SLB11300*/ * from 	SLB11300	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11400) > 0	select 'SLB11400',/*SLB11400*/ * from 	SLB11400	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11500) > 0	select 'SLB11500',/*SLB11500*/ * from 	SLB11500	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11600) > 0	select 'SLB11600',/*SLB11600*/ * from 	SLB11600	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11700) > 0	select 'SLB11700',/*SLB11700*/ * from 	SLB11700	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11800) > 0	select 'SLB11800',/*SLB11800*/ * from 	SLB11800	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB11900) > 0	select 'SLB11900',/*SLB11900*/ * from 	SLB11900	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
if (select count(*) from SLB20000) > 0	select 'SLB20000',/*SLB20000*/ * from 	SLB20000	where Smartlist_ID in ('.12') order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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if (select count(*) from SLB80300) > 0	select 'SLB80300',/*SLB80300*/ * from 	SLB80300	 order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
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--if (select count(*) from STN41200) > 0	select 'STN41200',/*STN41200*/ * from 	STN41200	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from STN41250) > 0	select 'STN41250',/*STN41250*/ * from 	STN41250	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from STN41300) > 0	select 'STN41300',/*STN41300*/ * from 	STN41300	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc
--if (select count(*) from STN41350) > 0	select 'STN41350',/*STN41350*/ * from 	STN41350	where ASI_Favorite_Type = 203	order by DEX_ROW_ID desc

At Stoneridge Software, our team has helped many clients with cases where a SmartList that was currently in use by someone on the team was accidentally deleted by someone. These scripts can be used by anyone with database access for the purpose of not calling on the experts. Another tip here would be to use field-level security to prompt for password for the delete button inside the SmarLlist Builder window. Please use the Contact Us button if you have any questions.

Under the terms of this license, you are authorized to share and redistribute the content across various mediums, subject to adherence to the specified conditions: you must provide proper attribution to Stoneridge as the original creator in a manner that does not imply their endorsement of your use, the material is to be utilized solely for non-commercial purposes, and alterations, modifications, or derivative works based on the original material are strictly prohibited.

Responsibility rests with the licensee to ensure that their use of the material does not violate any other rights.

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