Carol Rogne Retires after 30 Years of Consulting and Ownership of DFC

By Leah Baker | January 10, 2020

Carol Rogne, owner of DFC Consultants, Evangelist, and Principal Consultant.

After more than 30 years in the accounting and consulting business, Carol Rogne, CPA, is retiring. Carol founded DFC Consultants in 1989 as an accounting firm in Dickinson, ND. As her business and technology evolved, she realized her clients and other businesses in the area could benefit from using modern software and the right guidance. With Microsoft Dynamics GP (formerly Great Plains Software) as the foundation, Carol grew DFC Consultants to three locations across North Dakota serving the business management needs of hundreds of small to mid-sized businesses across the country.

In 2018, Carol sold DFC Consultants to Stoneridge Software, who continues to support DFC’s large base of Dynamics GP clients.  After the acquisition of Stoneridge Software, Carol stayed on as a Principal Consultant and Evangelist, working on client projects until the very end of 2019. She will be fondly missed by clients and colleagues for her dedication, tenacity, caring, passion for training and of course her artwork!

Artwork painted by Carol Rogne featured on a Stoneridge Software calendar.

Here are some final thoughts from Carol Rogne as she reflects on a 30-year career:

Q: As you look back on all the changes to Dynamics solutions and technology since you began, what stands out to you the most?

A: "I remember in 1990 when Doug Burgum, founder of Great Plains Software, at the annual Stampede event, said that the internet would become a game-changer. It was really hard to fathom, at that time, how the internet could affect accounting software. Most of us didn't even have e-mail yet."

Q:  Looking back at your career and the company you built, what are you most proud of?

A: "Hands down, I am most proud of my team and being able to provide great careers for them. I also marvel at the wonderful customers I acquired through the years and their loyalty. When I started DFC, I changed directions, planning mainly on doing accounting work. I could never have imagined what the company became."

Q:  What will you miss the most?

A: "Coming into the office and being part of a team. I am glad that I will still be able to do a little consulting because I really love that."

Q: As a woman who fell into a technology career when there weren’t many, do you have any comments or advice to offer those considering it as a career choice?

A: "Technology is such a great opportunity for women. The field is still not as diverse as it should be. Whether a woman or a man, technology is great for anyone who enjoys a challenge. It is always changing, and we get to be a constant problem solvers. Consulting is so fun because as consultants, we learn about so many different businesses."

During retirement, Carol is looking forward to traveling, painting, and spending time with her family, grandchildren, and friends. We wish her well!

Plaques, articles, and photos showcasing Carol Rogne's career.

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