Dimension Error – When Posting a Project Hours Journal in AX
Over the years I've repetitively run into the issue where it appears that you have dimensions setup on your Project, and when you look at the dimensions on the Hours Journal they are present too, but yet you'll run into an error such as:
The Combination #####---- is not valid for the account structure ###.
Update has been canceled because of an error.
Posting has been canceled.
Well, this error is for a good reason. Here is why:
When you post an hours journal its' voucher usually hits two posting types:
"Project - Cost" (or Project - WIP Cost) - Credit
"Payroll Allocation" - Debit
Seen in figure 1:
The "Project - Cost" posting type will pull the dimensions from the "hours journal/Project," but the "Payroll Allocation" posting type does not, the logic looks for the worker's dimensions to stamp on the voucher. So, if you don't have dimensions setup on your worker from the hours journal line, you'll get the dimension validation error listed previously.
You can populate dimensions for your workers by going to: Human Resources > Common > Workers > Workers. Double-click on your worker, select the Employment hyperlink and then on the Financial Dimensions FastTab populate the workers default dimensions as seen in figure 2.
Now, with your dimensions set on the worker, try posting your journal again! It should post.
Note: This behavior is not configurable so you will have to populate the worker dimensions or customize the logic to pull the dimensions from a different location.
Tom Branca
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