Dynamics AX Invoices: Adding Location Name

By Sourabh Khosla | February 9, 2014

This is the extension to my previous post "Dynamic AX Invoices: Adding Remittance Address", in this post I will walk you through how to add the Location Name based on the Remittance Address selected.

1) Following the structure of 'Dynamic AX Invoices: Adding Remittance Address', we will add a String Field called "LocationName" in FreeTextInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp table. Don't forget to extend it to 'Name' EDT.

2) In '\Classes\ FreeTextInvoiceDP\insertIntoFreeTextInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp', add the below code right after the RemitToAddress code snippet:

//Populates the LocationName field in the freeTextInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp Table based on the RemitToAddress.

while select * from dirPartyPostalAddressView
where dirPartyPostalAddressView.Address == freeTextInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.RemitToAddress
              freeTextInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.LocationName = dirPartyPostalAddressView.LocationName;

3) After you have successfully added the above code and performed Step 1) as well, make sure that you run Incremental CIL compile. After that, you can go ahead and start editing the VS report for Free Text Invoice, which you can find at '\Visual Studio Projects\Dynamics AX Model Projects\FreeTextInvoice'.

Perform a 'Refresh' on the Data Source in the VS Report itself to make sure that we have the LocationName field that we created in the Step 1). You can place this field anywhere on the Report Design, though right top of the Remittance Address would be a good idea.

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