Optimize FSMA Traceability for Food and Beverage Manufacturers With Dynamics 365 Solutions

By Cheryl Irons | September 6, 2024

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The Digitalization of Food Safety Traceability: How Stoneridge Software and Dynamics 365 Can Help Your Food and Beverage Production Company

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) traceability refers to the ability to track every step of a food product’s journey from farm to fork, as required by the law. Your food production company can utilize Microsoft Dynamics 365 products to comply with these strict regulations.
Stoneridge Software—an Inner Circle partner of Microsoft and ranked among the top 1% of all vendors—works with food production companies that must meet traceability requirements. We will be your partner in implementing and customizing Microsoft products to ensure compliance and protect your business.

Key Benefits of Dynamics 365 Business Central for Food and Beverage Manufacturers

Microsoft offers products that will allow you to meet and surpass FSMA regulations at a pace that fits your timeline and budget because it’s modular. Dynamics 365 Business Central offers:

  • Bi-directional traceability – full compliance reporting
  • Reliable quality management
  • Warehouse and logistics management
  • Batch management
  • Supplier management
  • Full integration, plug and play to all Microsoft platforms, Power BI, Word, Excel, Outlook

What Is the Food Safety Modernization Act?

The primary goal of FSMA is to help prevent and mitigate foodborne illness and death. Failure to list allergens, food contamination, and fragments in food has cost the food industry billions of dollars in recalls, lost sales, and legal expenses.

Traceability plays a crucial role during food and beverage recalls by enabling swift identification and the removal of potentially contaminated products or foods with mislabeled allergens from the market. Where does traceability start? It starts when purchasing the product and continues through the process of shipping finished goods–Farm to Fork.

In today’s market, a rapid response is crucial, whether your audit is real or mock. A poor response can cost your company hard-earned revenue, your brand, and even your existence in the market.

FSMA Goes Digital–Stoneridge Software Can Help You with Compliance

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has clearly signaled a move toward ever-increasing traceability predicated on the adoption of new digital technologies, to move toward a digital footprint for traceability.

Section 204 of the FSMA mandates additional recordkeeping requirements for persons who manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods included on the Food Traceability List (FTL). This rule establishes traceability recordkeeping beyond existing regulations, allowing for faster identification and removal of potentially contaminated food from the market.

How long before this becomes standard regulation for all products? Are you ready?

How to Implement Food Safety Traceability with Microsoft Products

Implementing traceability under Section 204 of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) involves several steps. Your traceability plan will need to include:

  • Description of records kept (format and location)
  • The process used to determine covered foods on the Food Traceability List (FTL)
  • Traceability lot codes and their assignment (if applicable)
  • Maintain records containing Key Data Elements associated with specific Critical Tracking Events (CTEs). These KDEs help track the movement of food items.
  • Provide relevant information to the FDA within 24 hours or within an agreed reasonable time

Remember, adherence to these requirements ensures end-to-end traceability and enhances food safety.

Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations: For Enterprise Companies

Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations enhances traceability in manufacturing by providing end-to-end visibility and control over the entire production and supply chain process. It enables manufacturers to track materials, components, and finished goods through every stage of the production lifecycle, from procurement to final delivery.

Key features include:

  • Lot and serial number tracking
  • Batch management
  • Traceability of raw materials

This helps manufacturers trace any item back to its origin, facilitating quick identification of issues in case of recalls or quality concerns. This level of traceability ensures compliance with industry regulations and helps maintain product quality standards.

The system also supports advanced traceability through quality orders, non-conformance management, and corrective actions, allowing manufacturers to document and manage quality checks throughout production. Real-time data and integrated analytics provide insights into the movement of goods, enabling proactive decision-making and faster response to traceability requirements. The ability to trace each component and product helps manufacturers reduce risks, ensure compliance, and enhance customer satisfaction by providing detailed product history and audit trails.

Want to Learn More About Improving Your Food Manufacturing Operations?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers multiple tools for implementing digital food safety traceability, but you will need support to take full advantage of these solutions. Stoneridge is more than a software vendor. From our first conversation, we partner with you to understand your business's specific needs, crafting solutions that equip you to lead your business now and into the future.

Whether you are a small to medium-sized business and are interested in Business Central or are a larger enterprise looking at Finance and Operations, Stoneridge has experts who can help you implement and optimize these solutions.

Take the next step and contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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