Adding an Address to an Existing Customer via the Customer Service in AX 2012
It isn't obvious but to add an address to an existing customer via a service call in AX 2012, call the update operation on the Customer service. The code below demonstrates how to change a field on the customer record and add a new address to the customer using a console application:
static void Main(string[] args)
string customer = "123456";
AxdCustomer foundCustomer = null;
CallContext context = new CallContext();
context.Company = "xyz";
CustomerServiceClient proxy = new CustomerServiceClient();
foundCustomer =, Program.readCritera(customer));
AxdEntity_DirParty_DirPartyTable returnedPartyTable = foundCustomer.CustTable.DirParty;
catch (Exception e)
private static void addAddressToExistingCustomer(AxdCustomer customer)
CustomerServiceClient proxy = new CustomerServiceClient();
CallContext context = new CallContext();
context.Company = "xyz";
AxdEntity_CustTable custTable = customer.CustTable;
AxdCustomer axdCustomer2 = new AxdCustomer();
axdCustomer2.ValidTimeStateType = customer.ValidTimeStateType;
axdCustomer2.ValidTimeStateTypeSpecified = true;
axdCustomer2.ValidAsOfDateTime = customer.ValidAsOfDateTime;
axdCustomer2.ValidFromDateTime = customer.ValidFromDateTime;
axdCustomer2.ValidToDateTime = customer.ValidToDateTime;
AxdEntity_CustTable custTableNew = new AxdEntity_CustTable();
custTableNew._DocumentHash = custTable._DocumentHash;
custTableNew.RecId = custTable.RecId;
custTableNew.RecVersion = custTable.RecVersion;
custTableNew.action = AxdEnum_AxdEntityAction.update;
custTableNew.actionSpecified = true;
custTableNew.CreditMax = custTable.CreditMax + 10;
custTableNew.CreditMaxSpecified = true;
custTableNew.CustGroup = custTable.CustGroup;
//Update the postal addresses
AxdEntity_DirParty_DirOrganization dirPartyTable = (AxdEntity_DirParty_DirOrganization)custTable.DirParty;
AxdEntity_DirParty_DirOrganization organizationNew = new AxdEntity_DirParty_DirOrganization();
organizationNew.RecId = dirPartyTable.RecId;
organizationNew.RecIdSpecified = true;
organizationNew.RecVersion = dirPartyTable.RecVersion;
organizationNew.RecVersionSpecified = true;
organizationNew.action = AxdEnum_AxdEntityAction.update;
organizationNew.actionSpecified = true;
AxdEntity_DirPartyPostalAddressView newAddress = new AxdEntity_DirPartyPostalAddressView();
newAddress.LocationName = "New Location Name";
newAddress.Street = "9999 NE 5th St";
newAddress.City = "Beverly Hills";
newAddress.State = "CA";
newAddress.CountryRegionId = "USA";
newAddress.ZipCode = "90210";
newAddress.Roles = "Delivery";
newAddress.action = AxdEnum_AxdEntityAction.create;
newAddress.actionSpecified = true;
organizationNew.DirPartyPostalAddressView = new AxdEntity_DirPartyPostalAddressView { newAddress };
custTableNew.DirParty = new AxdEntity_DirParty_DirPartyTable { organizationNew };
axdCustomer2.CustTable = new AxdEntity_CustTable { custTableNew };
proxy.update(context, Program.readCritera("123456"), axdCustomer2);
catch (Exception e)
private static EntityKey[] readCritera(string customerAccount)
AxdEntity_CustTable custTable = new AxdEntity_CustTable();
EntityKey[] entityKeyList = new EntityKey;
EntityKey key = new EntityKey();
KeyField[] keyFields = new KeyField;
KeyField keyField = new KeyField();
keyField.Field = "AccountNum";
keyField.Value = customerAccount;
keyFields = keyField;
key.KeyData = keyFields;
entityKeyList = key;
return entityKeyList;
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