Calling the Contacts Service in AX 2012

By Becky Newell | January 28, 2014

In AX 2012 there is a service called DirContactPersonsService which allows you to import contacts.  The contacts imported via this service are displayed under Sales and marketing > Common > Contacts > All contacts.  The DirContactPersonsService is somewhat tricky to call because a contact can be created for either a customer, vendor or a prospect and you have to specify in your service call who you are creating the contact for.  Having said that, here is an example of how to call the service creating a contact for a customer:

ContactPersonsServiceClient client = new ContactPersonsServiceClient();

CallContext context = new CallContext();

context.Company = "ceu";

AxdContactPersons contactPersons = new AxdContactPersons();

AxdEntity_ContactPerson[] contacts = new AxdEntity_ContactPerson;

AxdEntity_ContactPerson contact = new AxdEntity_ContactPerson();

contact.ContactForPartyCustAccount = "10076"; //Set this to the account number of the customer account

//If this is a contact for a vendor use the contact.ContactForPartyVendAccount

//Create the party record

AxdEntity_Person_DirPerson person = new AxdEntity_Person_DirPerson();

person.NameAlias = "ContactFTest";

person.NameSequence = "FirstMiddleLast";

//Set the name fields

AxdEntity_PersonName personName = new AxdEntity_PersonName();

personName.FirstName = "ContactFTest";

personName.MiddleName = "MiddleTest";

personName.LastName = "LastTest";

//Add the names to the party record and set the name sequence

person.PersonName = new AxdEntity_PersonName { personName };

AxdEntity_PostalAddressView address = new AxdEntity_PostalAddressView();

address.LocationName = "Location Name";

address.Street = "111 NE 5th St";

address.City = "Beverly Hills";

address.State = "CA";

address.CountryRegionId = "USA";

address.ZipCode = "90210";

address.Roles = "Business";

address.IsPrimary = AxdExtType_LogisticsIsPrimaryAddress.Yes;

address.IsPrimarySpecified = true;

AxdExtType_EffectiveDateTime myDateTime = new AxdExtType_EffectiveDateTime();

myDateTime.localDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime("1/15/2014");

myDateTime.localDateTimeSpecified = true;

myDateTime.timezone = AxdEnum_Timezone.GMTMINUS0600CENTRALTIME;

myDateTime.timezoneSpecified = true;

address.ValidFrom = myDateTime;

AxdExtType_ExpirationDateTime expireDateTime = new AxdExtType_ExpirationDateTime();

expireDateTime.localDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime("12/20/2020");

expireDateTime.localDateTimeSpecified = true;

expireDateTime.timezone = AxdEnum_Timezone.GMTMINUS0600CENTRALTIME;

expireDateTime.timezoneSpecified = true;

address.ValidTo = expireDateTime;

//Create an email address

AxdEntity_ContactInfoView email = new AxdEntity_ContactInfoView();

email.LocationName = "Contact Email";

email.Type = AxdEnum_LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType.Email;

email.TypeSpecified = true;

email.Locator = "";

email.Roles = "Home";

//Create a phone number

AxdEntity_ContactInfoView cellPhone = new AxdEntity_ContactInfoView();

cellPhone.LocationName = "Cell phone";

cellPhone.Type = AxdEnum_LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType.Phone;

cellPhone.TypeSpecified = true;

cellPhone.Locator = "555-123-1234";

cellPhone.Roles = "Home";

contact.Person = new AxdEntity_Person_DirPerson { person };

contact.Person.PostalAddressView = new AxdEntity_PostalAddressView { address };

contact.Person.ContactInfoView = new AxdEntity_ContactInfoView { email, cellPhone };

contacts = contact;

contactPersons.ContactPerson = contacts;



client.create(context, contactPersons);



catch (Exception e)


string message = e.Message;


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