Category: Managed Services

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Malvertising: Another Reason Not To Click Web Ads

By Stoneridge Team | December 19, 2014

Banner ads are the wallpaper of the internet and, like wallpaper, they can hide some pretty terrible things. Lately they’ve been used to spread malvertising, which is a type of security threat involving hackers hijacking advertising space on websites and using it to spread malware. It’s growing rapidly and we wanted to make you aware of it.

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The Real Cost of Free Cybersecurity Software

By Stoneridge Team | May 8, 2014

The best things in life may be free but, more often than not, you get what you pay for. That’s especially true when dealing with software and, as the Heartbleed bug showed us, there can be significant costs involved with using free software. And we’re not even talking about piracy – which has its own set of dangers.

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Determine the Best Way to Encrypt for Your Data and Improve Cybersecurity

By Stoneridge Team | January 13, 2014

Storing data, particularly in the cloud, is a convenient way for people who want “everywhere” access. It’s becoming so common that it’s almost impossible to avoid. But while your data may be encrypted from the public by your provider, it can be potentially read by its employees and open to abuse. Why would your storage provider be interested in your data?

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Is It Worth It to Use Free Anti-Virus Software?

By Stoneridge Team | December 19, 2013

The Internet is so incredibly huge that it’s not hard to picture it as being its very own universe. The Internet can be a big and scary place, but like outer space, you just need to carefully choose the tools that let you to safely explore it.

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