Generating Product Compliance Reports in Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations

By Tammy Plowman | April 17, 2018

Is generating product compliance reports a vital part of your business? Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations supports basic product usage data collection by item or product for the following agencies:

  • EPCRA: Emergency, Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act
  • CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
  • TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act
  • TRI: Toxics Release Inventory from the United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • OSHA: Occupational Health and Safety Administration
  • EHS: Extremely Hazardous Substances

This data may either be exposed to custom reports or provided to external systems electronically or manually. Before the data may be generated, there are some prerequisite setups to review.

Define the reporting dates

On the Product compliance tab of the Inventory and warehouse management parameters form, the Annual reporting dates must be defined.

Define the reporting dates for generating product compliance reports in Dynamics 365 for finance & operations

Define reporting lists

In an earlier blog, the process for creating regulated product/material lists was outlined.

Tip: Only the lists that are marked as “Reported” may have data generated to the list. As shown below, just one of these three lists will generate any reporting information.

Define reporting lists in Generating Product Compliance Reports

In contrast, restricted products are presumed to always have a reporting requirement.

Restricted products regional lists in Generating Product Compliance Reports

Once standard lists are defined in the product compliance setup, individual products can be added to such lists from the released products list page. Using this option is faster if a product exists on multiple lists.

Notice the Reporting details option located here, as well.

Regulated products, Restricted products, Reporting details in Generating Product Compliance Reports

For an item that has been assigned to a reporting list, selecting this option will open a form. The top half of the form allows for agency-specific details to be populated and saved.

Note: the example shown below is completely hypothetical.

The bottom half displays the current values for the defined reporting dates. Use the Update quantities button to refresh the Usage data.

Reporting details

Select Item CAS relations to create or maintain information regarding Chemical Abstract Registry values as shown next.

Item CAS relations

Please see the related bogs for additional information regarding product compliance. As always, please test any changes in an environment designated for testing before implementing in a Live production environment.

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