How to Fix ‘Tracking Failed’ Error in the Dynamics 365 CRM Outlook App

By Jeff Wedul | September 16, 2019

The Dynamics 365 App for Outlook has been working fine with Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CRM) for months.  Now it’s throwing errors like “Tracking failed”.  Everyone else seems to be just fine, it’s just one user experiencing the problem.  Nothing seems to work. You’ve tried everything including a “repair” of Outlook and removing the app and re-adding it for the user.  Maybe you’ve even tried setting the user up with a different workstation to find out it works.  It’s frustrating but here’s a solution that’s proven very useful in this situation -  Clear the Outlook App cache.

Tracking Failed

If you’ve been around Dynamics CRM for a while, you’re probably familiar with clearing the browser cache regularly to help performance.  This process is very similar.

However, this process doesn’t work on Windows 7.  The required “IEChooser” doesn’t exist in Windows 7, so at this point, it only works on Windows 10 workstations.

Follow these steps on the workstation:

  1. Open Outlook and make sure the D365 App is open
  2. In File Explorer navigate to C:\Windows\System32\F12\
  3. Run IEChooser.exe
  4. In IEChooser select the “D 365” option as the target to debug
  5. Go to the Network tab and select the “Clear Cache” button circled in the screenshot below.
  6. Close and re-open Outlook and the search should work again

Choose Target to Debug


Command Prompt

By following these steps, you should be able to eliminate errors in the Outlook App for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CRM). If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to the CRM experts at Stoneridge.

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