Improve Performance with a Weekly Business Scorecard

By Leah Baker | June 16, 2016

If you dScorecard webinar inviteon't use a weekly scorecard, you're reacting too late. As a leader, you're always looking for ways to improve performance and adapt to the changing business climate. Every business has monthly financial statements, they're necessary. But, if you're only looking at these metrics on a monthly basis, you might be reacting too late. Has your business ever used a weekly scorecard?

A concept covered in the book Traction, by Gino Wickman, Stoneridge Software has been through many versions of a weekly scorecard, continually fine-tuning over time. Based on personal experience at our company and our clients, we see this as the answer for a clear line of sight to the most important information your business needs to see on a weekly basis and if needed, determine how to react. Stoneridge President Eric Newell is passionate about the subject and has presented several times. View an on-demand video from his Build a Business Scorecard Intro webinar here.


Who does this apply to?

Business Owners, Leadership, CEOs, CFOs, Controllers

What is covered:

  • Why use a scorecard (hint, it’s about insight to revenues and profits)
  • How to determine the appropriate scorecard for your business
  • How to build your scorecard
  • How to use your scorecard to make decisions affecting your bottom line
  • Why it needs to be actionable

The magic of a functioning business insight scorecard is that you always have a pulse on the business, and can adjust to inevitable challenges with ease.

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