What’s the Value of a Dynamics AX Health Check?

By Catherine Thole | August 16, 2016

As I recommend a Dynamics AX  Health Check to clients, I think about what is it that we bring to the table as Stoneridge Software. What is it that we know and what is the true value of having the health of your Microsoft Dynamics AX system reviewed by us as a partner?

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An expert's view

One of the benefits of a Dynamics AX Health Check service by Stoneridge Software is that as a partner we see many different clients. We've experienced a wide variety of issues and situations. We’re also staying on top of how Dynamics AX interacts with the Microsoft stack technology and we can take those experiences and bring them back to our clients. As a consultant with more than ten years of AX experience, I’ve seen things that other people haven’t had the privy or the opportunity to see and there are things that I would know to check in your system that others would never know to look for.

Setting the standard

Clients should consider, how do you know if your system is running well? Who are you comparing that to? What level is that?  If your only barometer is letting your end users define that, they’re never going to say the system runs fast enough. A Dynamics AX Health Check allows you to set the standard of what a healthy system truly is. It's a common misconception that performing a Health Check is just coming to say, "does AX perform well?" It’s much more than looking at if your Dynamics AX system is fast enough.

A consultant performing a Health Check will ask things like:

  • Are your batches running appropriately?
  • Have you allocated enough resources to that have?
  • Have you looked at your security within AX?
  • Have you looked at your event logs to see what is happening?
  • How are you deploying codes?

What don't you know?

There are many different areas that are reviewed during your Dynamics AX Health Check and it is meant to be more of an overall system-wide analysis, not just how is SQL doing or what are your queries doing? It's more like overall questions such as are you running alerts that you shouldn’t be running? Are you cleaning up batch history every so often? Those are the things that we look at in a Dynamics AX Health Check. With a Health Check, you’re having another set of eyes come in and review and recommend the things you should looking at, discovering what you might have missed, and finding things that need to be addressed.

By identifying performance and operational risks, which saves you downtime, and discovering configuration issues, the true value of a Dynamics AX Health Check by an experienced resource is the potential for increased productivity from your team and a system that operates at maximum performance.

Learn more about the most common items we see in a Dynamics AX Health Check.

Find out more about a Dynamics AX Health Check for your company.

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