Using Dates for the Vendor Aging Report and Payment Proposal in Dynamics AX 2012

By Trisha Field | January 10, 2017

The purpose of this article is to explain how dates are used in the Vendor aging report and payment proposals in Dynamics AX 2012.

How to use dates for the Vendor aging report:

  • The “Start Date” determines the buckets across the top
  • The “Due date” refers to the due date of the invoice

Scenario: On 8/8/16 I entered a purchase order. I invoiced it with the document date of 7/19, a transaction date of 7/20 and a due date of 7/31 (I overwrote the number that it applied to the fields.)

Balance as of 8/20/16 with start date of 7/1/2016. The open invoice shows up where it belongs in the correct bucket (7/2/16-12/31/2154). If this were affected by the transaction or document date, then the -1798.00 would have moved to a different bucket.

Vendor aging in Dynamics AX 2012

Figure 1: Balance as of 8/20 with Start Date of 7/1

Balance as of 8/20/16 with start date of 8/19/19. Notice that the start date has forced the amount to the next column. 7/20-8/18

Vendor aging in Dynamics AX 2012

Figure 2: Balance as of 8/20 with start date of 8/19

Balance as of 9/1/16 with a start date of 8/21/16. Notice that the start date is keeping everything in the same columns. Reminder: the due date was 7/31/16 and is 30 days old as of 8/30/16 but it is not past due until 9/1/16.

Figure 3: Balance as of 9/1 with a start date of 8/21

Figure 3: Balance as of 9/1 with a start date of 8/21

Balance as of 9/1/16 with a start date of 9/1/16: the invoice now shows one whole bucket over.

Vendor aging in AX 2012

Figure 4: Balance as of 9/1 with a start date of 9/1

The payment proposal run per due date with the payment date scheduled the month before the payment date (7/1/16 to 7/30/16). The invoice did NOT show up on the payment proposal, since the due date was 7/31/16). Ss soon as I reran the report changing the “To date” to 7/31/16, which is the due date, the invoice showed up on the payment proposal.

Vendor payment proposal

Figure 5: Payment Proposal

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