AX 2012 Method – Accessor Method

By Laura Lake | February 10, 2014

For developers who are new to AX, and especially those coming from other products, the Accessor method, a type of AX 2012 Method,

may be a little confusing at first. You may be used to seeing the Get/Set keywords used like this…


    private string _mystring;


    public string mystring


             get { return _mystring; }

             set {_mystring = somevalue;}




AX 2012 Method 

In an AX 2012 Method, the same logic would be expressed in this way…


    str myString;


    publicstr myString(str _myString = myString)


             myString = _myString;

             return myString;



Get and Set happen here in the same method.

If the method is called with parameter_myString having a value, then the class variable (myString) is set to this value…

myString = _myString;

If the method is called without a parameter, the parameter defaults to the class variable…

(str _myString = myString)

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