Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 10 (CU10) Resources

By Eric Newell | December 2, 2015

Microsoft has released its latest Cumulative Update for Dynamics AX 2012 R3 – Cumulative Update 10 (CU10).

Knowledge Base Article 3102920
CustomerSource Article Link: KB Article 3102920
Direct Download: Not available yet
Installation Guide: Microsoft Download
Build Number: 6.3.3000.110
Updated Documentation TechNet Article

Cumulative Update 10 is the third Cumulative Update for Dynamics AX 2012 R3.  It only applies to R3, it doesn’t apply to Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, Feature Pack 1 or R2.  The latest update for the R2 version is Cumulative Update 9.

In addition to containing several hotfixes that have been recently released, CU10 also includes new features across several different module sets.  Instead of putting these in TechNet, Microsoft decided to create a PDF file that outlines teh changes.  Here's a link to the document which outlines the new features:  There's additional detail about the over picking feature available on this blog:  The new features are discussed in updated TechNet articles, so I encourage you to follow the links in the KB article to the updated content, then look to the bottom of the page of the “What’s New” link to see the content that’s specific to CU10.  I'm not seeing any updated content, but I would expect TechNet to be updated shortly.

Starting with Dynamics AX 2012 R3, you can now slipstream the update using Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services. For more information, you can check out this video:

As always, our recommendation for applying a Cumulative Update depends on where you are in your deployment lifecycle. If you are a brand new customer who has not yet started development on AX 2012, we recommend you apply it. If you are into the development phase or you’re live on AX 2012 R2 or R3, you will want to consider if the new features will benefit you and then determine a project plan for applying the update.  Let us know if we can help in those efforts.

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