Generating Voucher Numbers When Importing General Journals With DIEF in AX 2012

By Becky Newell | April 16, 2014

When importing general journals from DIEF in AX 2012, ideally voucher numbers could be generated from number sequences.  However, when you attempt to import them you will get a scope error because there is no NumberSequenceReference record for a voucher number sequence.  Also voucher numbers are a little different in that new voucher numbers are assigned if general journal entries have an offsetting account specified or if the running total of debits and credits match when the offsetting account is not specified.  This means it is likely that not every line in your import source should get its own new voucher number.  I recently had to account for these nuances of vouchers while importing in AX 2012 and below are my notes.

The class DMFGenerateSSISPackage and methods autoGeneratedNos and generateAutoNumbers are called to generate auto numbers when data is read from your import source, i.e. Excel.  The autoGenerateNos method needs to be modified at the end of the method in order to prevent the scope error from being thrown.  I set it to this:



//BN 4/10/2014 - If generating a voucher need to pass in a different id since voucher's do not have a NumberSeqReference

//The generateAutoNumbers method will handle vouchers

if(sourceXMLToEntityMap.EntityField == "Voucher" && _tableName == "DMFLedgerJournalEntity")


DMFGenerateSSISPackage::generateAutoNumbers( NumberSeqReference::findReference(extendedTypeNum(LedgerJournalizeNum)),








DMFGenerateSSISPackage::generateAutoNumbers( NumberSeqReference::findReference(dictField.typeId()),







The Voucher entity field does not have an entry in the NumberSequenceReference table which causes and error to be thrown in the generateAutoNumbers method.  To avoid the error sending in the EDT LedgerJournalizeNum just to avoid the error.  There is no other purpose for this change.  The generateAutoNumbers method handles the Voucher field with if statements.  This is the code in the generateAutoNumbers method:

private static server void generateAutoNumbers(NumberSequenceReference      _numberSequenceReference,

Int64                        _numOfRecs,

TableName                    _tableName,

FieldName                    _fieldName,

DMFDefinitionGroupExecution  _definitionGroupExecution)


str                            sqlStmt;

int                            numOfRecsFromList;

int64                          numOfRecForLegalEntity;

SysSqlSystem                   sqlSystem;

UserConnection                 connection;

NumberSequenceList             numberSequenceList;

Statement                      statement;

Common                         tmpNumberSeqGen;

NumberSequenceTable            numberSequenceTable;

NumberSequenceRange            nextRecOrig,


FieldId                        definitionGroupFieldId,



SqlStatementExecutePermission  permission;

sysDictTable                   dictTable = new sysDictTable(tableName2id(_tableName));

//BN 4/11/2014 - Adding ability to generate voucher numbers

DMFLedgerJournalEntity          stageTable, updTable, dmfLedgerJournalEntity;

int                             cntr = 1,vouchctr = 0;

real                            amt = 0;

Voucher                         curVouch = "";

//BN End

str backendTableName(TableId _tableId)


SysDictTable sysDictTable;


if (!_tableId)


throw error("@SYS16078");


sysDictTable = new SysDictTable(_tableId);

if (!sysDictTable)


throw error(strFmt("@SYS55416",_tableId));




str backendFieldName(TableId _tableId, FieldId _fieldId)


SysDictField sysDictField = new SysDictField(_tableId, _fieldId);


if (!sysDictField)


if (!SysDictTable::newTableId(_tableId))


throw error(strFmt("@SYS55416",_tableId));




throw error(strFmt("@SYS55418",_fieldId, tableId2name(_tableId)));





void executeStatement(str _sqlStmt) //This private method updates the NumberSequenceTable setting the NextRec value.  It is called at the very end of this whole method.






if((_tableName == "DMFLedgerJournalEntity") && (_fieldName == "Voucher"))


select firstOnly JournalName from dmfLedgerJournalEntity where dmfLedgerJournalEntity.ExecutionId == _definitionGroupExecution.ExecutionId;

ledgerJournalName = LedgerJournalName::find(dmfLedgerJournalEntity.JournalName);

select forUpdate firstOnly numberSequenceTable

where numberSequenceTable.RecId == ledgerJournalName.NumberSequenceTable;




select forupdate firstonly numberSequenceTable

where numberSequenceTable.RecId == _numberSequenceReference.NumberSequenceId;


if (numberSequenceTable)


if ((numberSequenceTable.NextRec + numOfRecForLegalEntity)  > numberSequenceTable.Highest)


throw error(strFmt("@SYS17478",numberSequenceTable.NumberSequence));


nextRecOrig = numberSequenceTable.NextRec;

//BN 4/11/2014 - Adding ability to generate voucher numbers

if((_tableName == "DMFLedgerJournalEntity") && (_fieldName == "Voucher"))


numberSequenceTable.NextRec += vouchctr; //The next voucher number should be increased by the number of vouchers this journal will consume




numberSequenceTable.NextRec += numOfRecForLegalEntity;





permission = new SqlStatementExecutePermission(_sqlStmt);


// BP Deviation Documented





nextRecUpdated = numberSequenceTable.NextRec;


tmpNumberSeqGen = dictTable.makeRecord();

definitionGroupFieldId = dictTable.fieldName2Id(fieldStr(DMFCustomerEntity,DefinitionGroup));

executionFieldId = dictTable.fieldName2Id(fieldStr(DMFCustomerEntity,ExecutionId));

generateFieldId =  dictTable.fieldName2Id(_fieldName);

numOfRecForLegalEntity = _numOfRecs;

if((_tableName == "DMFLedgerJournalEntity") && (_fieldName == "Voucher"))


select firstOnly JournalName from dmfLedgerJournalEntity where dmfLedgerJournalEntity.ExecutionId == _definitionGroupExecution.ExecutionId;

ledgerJournalName = LedgerJournalName::find(dmfLedgerJournalEntity.JournalName);

select firstOnly numberSequenceTable

where numberSequenceTable.RecId == ledgerJournalName.NumberSequenceTable;




numberSequenceTable = _numberSequenceReference.numberSequenceTable();


if (!numberSequenceTable)


throw error("@DMF943");


else if (numberSequenceTable.Blocked)


// Number sequence %1 is on hold.

throw error(strFmt("@SYS25068",numberSequenceTable.NumberSequence));


select count(RecId) from numberSequenceList

where numberSequenceList.NumberSequenceId == numberSequenceTable.RecId &&

numberSequenceList.Status == NumStatus::Free;

//BN - Want to keep a running total for vouchers

if ((_tableName == "DMFLedgerJournalEntity") && (_fieldName == "Voucher"))


while select stageTable

order by stageTable.LineNum

where stageTable.ExecutionId == _definitionGroupExecution.ExecutionId


// If the OffsetLedgerDimension field is empty process as a multi-line entry.

// start a running total of Debits & Credits and when difference is 0 consume

// the next journal number.


// If the OffsetLedgerDimension field is populated, its a one line entry and current functionality is correct

// amt is our running total for debits and credits

// curVouch is the current voucher identifier to change the value in the staging table to work as desired.

// Set initial voucher

if (curVouch == "")


curVouch = stageTable.Voucher;


// if the OffsetLedgerDimension is empty, initialize amt variable

if (stageTable.OffsetLedgerDimension == "")


amt += (stageTable.AmountCurDebit - stageTable.AmountCurCredit);

// test to see if amount is 0, if not, this is the same voucher,

// so update record to have same voucher number

if (amt != 0)



select forupdate updTable

where updTable.RecId == stageTable.RecId;

updTable.Voucher = curVouch;







select forupdate updTable

where updTable.RecId == stageTable.RecId;

updTable.Voucher = curVouch;



curVouch = int2str(str2int(curVouch) + 1);






select forupdate updTable where updTable.RecId == stageTable.RecId;

updTable.Voucher = curVouch;



curVouch = int2str(str2int(curVouch) + 1);



// get the counter to fix the number sequence value as well

while select count(RecId)

from stageTable

group by Voucher

where stageTable.ExecutionId == _definitionGroupExecution.ExecutionId






numOfRecsFromList = int642int(numberSequenceList.RecId);

numOfRecsFromList = min(numOfRecsFromList, numOfRecForLegalEntity);

// If number sequence needs to be pulled from NumberSequenceList table

if (numOfRecsFromList > 0)


numOfRecForLegalEntity = numOfRecForLegalEntity - numOfRecsFromList;


while select forupdate tmpNumberSeqGen

where tmpNumberSeqGen.(definitionGroupFieldId) == _definitionGroupExecution.DefinitionGroup  &&

tmpNumberSeqGen.(executionFieldId) == _definitionGroupExecution.ExecutionId


tmpNumberSeqGen.(generateFieldId) = NumberSeq::newGetNum(_numberSequenceReference).num();



if (numOfRecsFromList == 0)







if (numOfRecForLegalEntity)


connection  = new UserConnection();

statement   = connection.createStatement();

sqlSystem   = new SysSqlSystem();


sqlStmt =

'  UPDATE %1 SET %5 = [%2].FN_FMT_NUMBERSEQUENCE(N\'%3\',%5,%4,0) WHERE %6 = N\'%7\' AND %8 = N\'%9\'' ; //This updates the staging table's auto generated values

sqlStmt = strFmt(sqlStmt,

backendTableName(, // %1

DMFGenerateSSISPackage::getSchemaName(), // %2

numberSequenceTable.Format, // %3

numberSequenceTable.NextRec-1, // %4

backendFieldName(,generateFieldId), //%5

backendFieldName(,definitionGroupFieldId), //%6

_definitionGroupExecution.DefinitionGroup, //%7

backendFieldName(,executionFieldId), //%8

_definitionGroupExecution.ExecutionId //%9






For the voucher number, the generateAutoNumbers method retrieves the JournalName from the DMFLedgerJournalEntity table which gets the value originally from the Excel spreadsheet.  The JournalName in that table is then used to retrieve the NumberSequenceTable reference tied to the JournalName in the LedgerJournalName table.  This is how it determines which NumberSequenceTable record to use because the Voucher number sequence does not have a corresponding record in the NumberSequenceReference table.

The generateAutoNumbers method keeps a running total of debits and credits to establish when a new voucher number is needed as a single general journal can contain one or more vouchers.  Once the total count of vouchers needed in the journal is known, the Voucher field in the DMFLedgerJournalEntity table for each record in this ExecutionId is updated according to the voucher number it should have.  Finally the next number in the NumberSequenceTable for the voucher number sequence is increased by the number of vouchers needed in the journal.

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