Get alerted by e-mail when a new project is created in Dynamics AX 2012 R3

By Jackie Olson | July 7, 2016

A client of ours wanted to be alerted by email when a new project was created in Dynamics AX 2012 R3. It's definitely possible to make that happen. Check out the steps below to be alerted by email when a new project is created in your Dynamics AX.

Steps to be alerted by email for a new project in Dynamics AX 2012.

  1. First create the alert
  2. Login to AX as yourself.
  3. Go to Project management & accounting> Common> Projects> All projects.
  4. Right click on a row in the project list, then select Create Alert Rule
  5. Select ProjectID for field
  6. Select "Record has been created" for the event.
  7. Fill in the rest of the information like the email Subject and message, and under “Alert who”, select the userID you want the email to be sent to. (Make sure the user has a valid email address.  You can check this in the user's option form in AX).
Next ,make sure these batch jobs are running -

1.       Change based alert (To create it go to system admin> Periodic> Alerts> Change based alerts.  Mark the Batch processing box, set                             the recurrence, start date time etc.)

2.       E-mail distributor batch (To create it go to system admin> Periodic> E-mail processing> Batch.  Mark the Batch processing box,                              set the recurrence, start date time etc.)

What to check if a user is not getting the e-mails from the alert rule that was set up.

  • Check the alert rule to make sure the rule is correct. (Organization admin> Setup> Alerts> Alert rules)
  • Make sure above jobs are running and ended successfully. (System admin> Inquiries> Batch Jobs, find the respected batch job then look at its Batch job history> View Tasks).
  • You can check if the emails are getting generated by going to System admin> Periodic> E-mail Processing> E-mail sending status. If you see a whole bunch of emails in WAITING status, it is because the job “E-mail Distributor batch” is  not running. You can check the status of this job by looking for it in Batch jobs form – System admin> Inquiries> Batch jobs.
  • You can verify if the emails got sent by checking the email status (Sys admin> Periodic> E-mail Processing> E-mail sending status and checking the "Allow show sent emails" box.
  • Have users check their Junk folder or Clutter folder in their e-mail.

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