Problem With Custom Lookup in AX Using SysTableLookup

By Mark Nelson | January 14, 2015

One of the requirements for a customer feature I was developing asked for a custom lookup in AX that allowed the user to pick a released product.  However, the list of products was to be further reduced by a custom field value.  The lookup should have been simple, create a custom lookup using the fields from the InventTable's AutoReport field group and add a range to the query that limited the results by a custom field.

At first I tried the SysFieldGroupLookup class.  This class creates a lookup that contains all of the fields of a specified field group. This worked great, except it didn’t honor my range restriction.  Since I didn't really need to use SysFieldGroupLookup I decided to switch to SysTableLookup and manually add the necessary fields.  The result looked something like this:

Customizing Lookups

tTabIe, Itemld), true); defaultProductName)); add Lookup+i eld (field Num (InventTabIe, NameAIias)); addLookupMethod (tableMethodStr(InventTabIe, itemGroupId)); addLookup+ieId (fieldNum(InventTabIe, ItemType));

This worked great, except the defaultProductName display method wasn't returning a value.  The itemGroupId method worked so I knew I could at least execute a display method.  It must be something about this specific method so I changed to the defautProductDescription method from the same table.  Same result, no data.

After a bit of debugging I realized that the defaultProductName display method calls a static method on the EcoResProduct table.  The problem was that it passed the Product field as a parameter and it didn't have a value.  A quick check of the InventTable table revealed that there was in fact a value, it just wasn't visible here.  I decided to add the Product field to my lookup to see what value it contained within the context of my lookup.  To my surprise as soon as I displayed the lookup defaultProductName was now returning a value.

It appears that the SysTableLookup class is returning only used fields for performance reasons and therefore didn't retrieve the Product field.  Once I added this field everything worked fine.  I did try adding the field and related tables to the query, but that didn't seem to affect the fields retrieved for display purposes (which, I suppose it shouldn't).  I haven't yet debugged the SysFieldGroupLookup class to figure out why it doesn't honor my range.

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