Saving Filters in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

By Adele Graser | December 21, 2016

Have you ever found yourself applying the same filter to a list page in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 over and over? If so, this quick and easy tip will save you a lot of time.

First, go to your list page in Dynamics AX 2012 and apply your standard filter. I usually use the grid filter functionality to filter my list pages (pressing Ctrl + G will turn the grid filter on). This allows me to easily filter by multiple columns at the same time.

Once you have applied your standard filter, click above the list page where it says “[list page name] (Unsaved filter).” This will provide you a list of options. Select “Save as filter” and enter a name for your filter.


If you leave the list page and come back to it, you will see the standard list. Now, instead of entering all your filter criteria again, you can easily apply your filter that you just saved. Click again above the grid where it has the list page name. This will again provide you a list of options, but you should now see an option for the name you gave the filter. Select the filter name and the filter you saved is now applied to your list page!


You can go even further by adding it as a Favorite or adding it as a cue to your home page if you are using role centers. For instructions on how to add it as a Favorite, follow the instructions in this blog: Setting Up Advanced Filters in Dynamics AX 2012 to Save as Favorites  (Note: you don’t have to use advanced filters for this to work – any saved filter can be used).

If you want to add it as a cue to your role center, you can just take one extra step. Simply make sure the filter is applied, click the list page name again, and this time select Save as cue.


If you just want a cue that provides you the count of how many records match the filter, click Ok on the New Cue form.


The next time your role center refreshes it will be there.


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