Stoneridge Software Year in Review: 2015
2015 marked our third year in business at Stoneridge Software. It’s been an amazing journey thus far and it continues to get better as we have a chance to help more clients. I wanted to take a minute to reflect on some of our highlights of the past year:
Best Place to Work
The Stoneridge Software team received recognition as a top place to work in three separate employee-rated initiatives. We were especially honored to be recognized for taking top honors by winning Gold in Minnesota Business Magazine’s Best Places to Work medium business category.
Office Expansion
The year 2015 saw a big expansion at our Minneapolis office location as we moved to a larger office suite at the West End (just west of downtown Minneapolis) to accommodate the growth of the team. We are planning an open house for the end of January so we hope many of you can join us to see our new space.
The 50 Employee Milestone
Our team has grown at a fast, steady pace. I’m very thankful to be joined by a great group of people. We’ve been able to expand our team this year to a total of 52.
Number of Clients
Over the past year, we’ve been able to increase our reach and we have now served over 120 clients in our time in business. We truly appreciate the clients who’ve chosen us during this stage as a young company. The opportunity to enable your business has been a true reward.
Charitable Contributions Program
The company and our team members were able to participate in some charitable initiatives, including the employee-driven Pay-It-Forward program and the Charitable Giving Campaign, as well as smaller events such as food drives and career-oriented volunteer opportunities.
Presentation Opportunities
This year we were asked to present at several events such as AXUG, NAVUG, NAV Directions, and local chapter meetings. We were asked to prepare training videos for AX “7” and continued to perform training for Microsoft’s new consultant ramp-up program. We offered our own development training class this year and were pleasantly surprised by the great interest.
Go-lives Galore
Our team supported and executed on many projects this year. We completed 8 NAV upgrades, 2 AX upgrades, an international AR project. We also took our largest project to-date live on AX on Nov 1.
What’s in store for 2016
Looking ahead to 2016, we are gearing up for the AX “7” launch, rolling out a lot of projects, including some NAV 2016 implementations, expanding our training offerings, refining our implementation methodology process and getting into the CRM and Product Development arenas with major internal investments.
Thank You
We sincerely appreciate the patronage of our clients over the last year and look forward to working with you more in 2016. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a great 2016.
Eric Newell, President
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