All Mainstream Support for Dynamics AX Ending 2021

By Eric Newell | March 14, 2019

Mainstream support for Dynamics AX is nearly its final
end-date and current AX users should start planning their transition from AX to
Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. Each version of Dynamics AX is supported
by Microsoft for five years in “mainstream support” and then an additional five
in “extended support”. During the mainstream time frame, the support team at
Microsoft releases updates and added features to the product. Once a product
enters extended support, no further developments or improvements are made
outside of security-related updates.

While a product is still technically supported in the extended support period, the best practice is to develop a strategic plan to move onto a fully supported version. By letting your software fade into extended support, or out of support completely, you risk:

  • Becoming incompatible with applicable industry regulations
  • Not having access to knowledgeable and efficient support staff at Microsoft
  • Poor performance and reliability due to lags and bugs in software
  • Incompatibility with other software or hardware

Once your software version reaches the end of extended support, Microsoft will no longer make any security updates, leaving you at risk.

Planning your upgrade to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
from Dynamics AX doesn’t have to be difficult thanks to the in-depth resources
from Stoneridge. We’ve worked with enterprise clients to successfully
transition from their outdated on-premise software to Dynamics 365.

Avoid falling out of compliance and start planning your upgrade today. Download our upgrade checklist to get a better understanding of where to start. We’re also offering current AX users a free personalized customization report that includes a complete summary of all customizations in AX including layers and objects. This report also includes an estimate of time to upgrade your customizations and length of functional and testing time required.

Contact Stoneridge today for more information.

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