Summary of Solutions
ERP Software Vendor Characteristics by Tier
Tier 3
- Generally for small and entry level businesses
- Annual revenues under $25 million
- More simplified processes
- Single locations
- Single companies
- Niche verticals
- Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
- Low user count (less than 10 users)
Tier 2
- Generally mid-market companies
- Annual revenues from $25 – $250 million
- Mostly single locations, single entities or limited inter-company transactions
- One industry or one mode of manufacturing
- User counts from 10-100 users
Tier 1
- Generally larger enterprises with multiple divisions, companies or locations
- Multiple languages or global locations
- Annual revenues in excess of $250 million
- Multiple industries or manufacturing modes
- More complex inter-company transactions
- User counts from 50 users up
* The Tiers above are general characteristics that explain which Tier of ERP Software might be the best fit for your company’s needs.
About Stoneridge
Stoneridge Software is a unique Microsoft Gold Partner, with emphasis on partner. With specialties in Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we focus on attracting the most knowledgeable experts in the field to our team, and prioritize delivering stellar solutions with maximum impact for your business. At Stoneridge, we are deeply committed to your results. Each engagement is met with a dedicated team, ready to provide thorough, tailored, and expert service. Based in Minnesota, we intentionally “step into your shoes,” wherever you are. We focus on what you care about, and develop trusting, long-term relationships with our clients.
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It’s our mission to help clients win. We’d love to talk to you about the right business solutions to help you achieve your goals.